Cieszymir Bylina

Identity Rebranding for Polo Farrera

Graphic Design  ●  Web Design  ●  Brand Identity  ●  UX Design


Polo Farrera is a visual artist focusing on photography. His work is recognised by usage of bold colours, compositions and photographic topics. In his works he is exploring nowadays social and political problems.

Polo requested a website redesign that is going to emphasise his strong voice, as well as build a new unique online identity.

  • Year:

  • Project Type:
    Web design, web programming, brand idendity design

  • Project Duration:
    2 weeks

  • My Role:
    Sole Designer & Developer (Concept, Research, Design, Programming)

  • Tools Used:
    Figma, Wix Studio, Adobe Photoshop

Before After

Home page – hero section

Before After

Home page – about the artist

Before After

Portfolio – home section

Before After

Portfolio – project cards

Before After

Project page – hero section

Before After

Project page – image gallery

Before After

About page – artist bio

Before After

About page – artist bio